Lytham voice

Council Resolve to Create New Parish Councils for Lytham and Ansdell

Public Meeting


17 April 2024
Doors Open: 6:30pm
Meeting Starts: 7:00pm


St. Bedes School
Talbot Road

About Lytham Voice

Welcome to Lytham Voice.

We are a group of Lytham residents who are concerned about decisions being made for our town without appropriate consultation or public knowledge.

We would like to create a forum which must be consulted on matters impacting our town, and through which the voices of Lytham’s residents will be heard.

Lytham and Ansdell are the only areas in the Fylde Borough which are not represented by a Town Council. Fylde Borough Council did hold a consultation on this matter in March 2022; regrettably there was a low level of response and consequently insufficient support identified to establish a Town Council. However, as residents most of us were not aware of this consultation!

This made us question…


To engage with Lytham residents we have created a web site, run surveys and have held a Public Meeting, with more planned.

Our aim is to enable constructive discussion on key issues for our town and encourage the residents to ensure their voices are heard.

The future of Lytham Voice depends on you, the residents, wanting to have a voice on Lytham’s future, its culture, appearance and Governance.

We look forward to discussing key issues for our town and encourage residents to ensure their voices are heard.

Meeting Agenda

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