Lytham Institute … Community Survey

Thanks to the work and perseverance of the Lytham St Anne’s Civic Society, Lytham Institute, the former Lytham Library, had its charitable status formally confirmed  in December 2023.

Fylde Borough Council formally recognised the Institute is a charity and not a council asset  at its Executive Committee on 23 May 2024. Following this, in addition to starting work towards appointing the charities trustees, the council has launched a feasibility study for the institute building, subcontracting the work to Capita Public Sector Consultancy. 

Working together with the Civic Society, Friends of Lytham Institute, Lytham Heritage and Lytham Town Trust Lytham Voice have launched a survey on behalf of the group to find out what the residents would like to see this beautiful building retained as

This is your chance to use this building as a community space, our town’s  various archives, a home for our new Parish Council and many more possibilities. Also noting that we will need a commercial space to make it financially viable

It’s over to you to have your say … Share your thoughts and ideas by accessing the survey HERE

The results of this survey will be available through Lytham Voices usual social media channels and the group members own medium. There will be further surveys and polls as we develop a clear view of residents hopes and ambitions for the Institute

The results will also be shared with the council and their consultant Capita